

Order the album from Libris

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  1. Gränslös nåd
  2. If you see my Savior
  3. I stillheten
  4. Jesus Du är Herre
  5. Kom nära mig
  6. One less stone
  7. Ingen är som Du
  8. Du fanns med i allt ändå
  9. Blott en dag
  10. I bowed on my knees and cried holy

Befriande was released in 1992 on Prim Records. My own choices, pearls from my repertoire.
I pulled the strings pretty much myself and even produced, while Raye Walter and Peter Sandwall wrote a few very fine arrangements each. They even played keyboards and organ. I had even the joy of having another great pianist on this album, Gittan Glans. You'll hear wonderful string music by the Swedich Radio Symphony Orchestra added to for instance "Blott en dag" (Day by day) and "Kom nära mig".